Everything You Need To Know About Sperm Donation

Many couples tend to take the concept of pregnancy for granted. It usually seems to be quite simple and natural for everyone to conceive a child until those dreams of women get shattered at last.
Reasons for an unsuccessful pregnancy are in plenty. One of the most proven procedures which can be of immense help for a successful pregnancy is sperm donation.

What is sperm donation?

Sperm donation refers to the procedure of donating, accumulating, and preserving sperm, which is then utilized to help a couple to conceive a baby. When the sperms are collected, they are placed in a specialized environment. If required, they are impregnated in a female’s reproductive organs.
Identifying an ideal sperm donor for you to conceive a child is cost-efficient and easy in comparison to find an egg donor. However, this does not suggest that finding a sperm donor is overall an easy job.
The sperm donor can either be known to the couple or could be anonymous. Whatever may be the case, the sperm donor must undergo a comprehensive medical checkup before he donates the sperm. Moreover, a couple must have a thorough understanding of the emotional and psychological issues of the sperm donor.

Potential risks

The process of sperm donation is quite safe and efficient. It does not carry any potential risks with it. The donated sperms are the perfect specimens that fits well with the medical requirements for insemination. Most of the fertility clinics have a strict assessment process which further ensures that donated sperms are healthy and free of any anomalies.

How to prepare oneself for sperm donation?

If you wish to donate sperms, then be prepared for the futuristic impact of this decision. You must consider all aspects before you proceed with this decision. 
A man is going to become a biological father of a child or children if he involves himself in sperm donation. He may not meet them for in his lifetime. Or there might be scenarios the grown-up child may wish to see his biological father. Although, it would depend on whether the sperm donor would like to inform the couple about himself beforehand. In such a scenario, it is significant to converse all the legal issues thoroughly with the family.
All of these must be ponder over before you proceed with donating sperms.

What all could prohibit a sperm donor?

Not every man can be a sperm donor. Many fertility clinics require applicants to go through pre-donation screening tests, which cannot be passed by everyone.

There are several reasons why everyone cannot be a potential sperm donor. Some of them are listed below:

1. You have aged: most clinics require applicants to lie between 18 to 34 years of age. Sperm donors below or above this gap are generally not accepted.
2. You are suffering from an STD: This factor will surely disqualify you from the plan of sperm donation.
3. Any other medical or genetic concerns: As donated sperm carries the genetic features of the man, those men suffering from the genetic or medical issues are fit to be sperm donors.
4. Have no or low sperm count: If you are found to be having a low or no sperm count during your semen analysis, then you will be disqualified.
5. You are alcoholic or drug user: If you have a history or still suffers from alcoholism or drug issue, then you cannot be a sperm donor.

Benefits of being a sperm donor

There are several advantages of donating sperm, some of which are mentioned below:
1. You earn money: Sperm donors are compensated financially.
2. You’ll avail of free medical tests: You need to undertake a medical or genetic checkup, which is free of cost. You get a review of your medical history, which in turn can help you identify possible medical concerns, which otherwise would have gone undiagnosed.
3. You stay healthy: Sperm donation assists in your health as it enhances your immunity and helps you to get relieved from stress issues.
To conclude, ensure you conduct intense research of the infertility clinic where you wish to commit yourself to sperm donation so that you can stay away from any potential risks in the future.
