Everything You Need to Know About Repeated Miscarriages

 Everything You Need to Know About Repeated Miscarriages


Miscarriages are widely noted among 20% of all pregnancies, usually in the first 15-weeks. Suffering from 1 or 2 miscarriages is not an indication of upcoming infertility. However, it can surely leave patients anxious about their ability to conceive again.

No doubt, one miscarriage can be a harrowing experience.

But, multiple miscarriages, on the other hand, can turn out to be a torment that stays on a loop of repeat.

Hence, with more than 2 pregnancy losses, you should consult an infertility specialist who can begin looking for potential miscarriage causes and suggest you some effective medication.


A terrible past of recurrent miscarriages calls for assessment and consultation with your fertility expert.

However, if you remain cautious of the very causes that lead to your multiple miscarriages, then you can prevent a meet-up with a miscarriage expert.

Check out a few causes of recurrent pregnancy losses mentioned below.

·         Genetic issues: Either you or your partner may possess a genetic disorder that can get passed to the foetus. This can be a major cause of your miscarriage. In the initial 3 months of pregnancy, about half of all miscarriages have occurred because of genetic problems.


·         Structural issues: The shape of the uterus is another factor for causing miscarriage, as it interferes with the implantation of the fertilised egg.


Moreover, if Fibroids block the opening of the Fallopian tube or their positioning affects the functioning of the uterine line, then the chances of infertility increase.


·         Hormone problems: Your abnormal hormone levels can result in the underdevelopment of the uterine lining. This does not provide the best environment for the nourishment of the fertilised egg, resulting in a miscarriage.


·         Immunological causes: Antiphospholipid antibodies belong to the one category of Immunological disorders that can cause miscarriage by increasing the chance of blood clot formation. It is detected by blood tests and can be treated using medications that make the blood thin.



How to prevent Miscarriage risks?


There are no fail-safe ways to prevent repetitive miscarriages. However, with certain lifestyle changes, you can surely lower the possibility of having a miscarriage.


1.       Follow healthy diet and exercise regularly: Following a balanced diet and performing regular exercise is significant to achieve a healthy pregnancy. You might consume prenatal vitamins, but they can’t act as a magic wand that can be waived off and get your miscarriage issues resolved.


2.       Lower caffeine intake before conception: Various doctors suggest that pregnant women should restrict their caffeine intake up to 200 milligrams a day. However, it would be wise to consult your Obstetrician-Gynaecologist to stay on the safe side.


3.       Avoid smoking and drinking: Women set to become pregnant must restrict or avoid alcohol and smoking. These substances can highly augment the possibility of a miscarriage.


4.       Control diabetes and other chronic illnesses: Increase in blood sugar levels could result in foetal deformity and possible pregnancy loss. The best way to prevent this is to see your doctor and get your health optimised.


Similarly, chronic illnesses like hypothyroidism, diabetes, hypertension, etc. also require proper medical attention and should be controlled before you decide to get pregnant.



Some other aspects you need to know about Miscarriages


1.       Stress does not cause recurrent miscarriages: No evidence has been yet found that could establish a relationship between stress and recurrent miscarriages.


2.       While miscarriage is common, recurrent miscarriage is not: While 15% of pregnant women suffer from one-time miscarriage, only 2% suffers from two miscarriages and only 1% from 3 miscarriages


3.       Women with recurrent pregnancy loss will never have a baby: Couples who suffers from unsuccessful pregnancies repeatedly tend to just give up in the end. However, even after six consecutive miscarriages, the possibility of conceiving successfully is over 50%.

                So, don't lose hope just yet.


The conclusion

If you suffer from recurrent miscarriages, it would be advisable to become physically or mentally prepared before you give pregnancy another shot. You can even consult your doctor to guide you in preparing a well-defined conception plan for your pregnancy goals.
